Perfecting your fighter’s stance

The fighting stance is the most fundamental position that you will ever learn in any type of martial art. You can not fight effectively if you don’t start from a good and sound place.

The fighting stance is the most fundamental position that you will ever learn in any type of boxing. A proper stance allows for strong, effortless movement and an easy transference of force from body to extremity. Furthermore, having a good stance allows you freedom of movement that directly translates into powerful, effective punches.

Here’s the perfect fighter’s stance:

  1. Stand with feet hip distance apart

  2. Take one small step back with your lead foot (Right foot if you are right handed).

  3. Turn Your toes on a 45 degree angle, so your body is at an angle toward your opponent.

  4. Make sure your front tow and back heel are in alignment. Your feet should not cross when looking in the mirror.

  5. Soft Bend in knees

  6. Elbows in to protect your ribs

  7. Fists up to protect your face

  8. Shoulders relaxed 

  9. Light on your toes




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