Dope one of the world’s only woman-owned boxing gyms.

Founded by a woman who is frequently told that she is “too much”, boxing is the first place that I felt like I could be all of myself - and people loved me for it.

and, if i felt like there were few places where i could unapologetically be me, i was positive that others felt the same way.

Welcome to dope. where you get to be all of you - the good, the bad, the ugly, the loud, the messy, the big, the small, the sassy, the angry.

here, too much is never enough.

The Name:

A double Entendre

  1. Dopamine: Dopamine is the central chemical in the brain that regulates how you perceive and experience pleasure. during pleasurable moments or situations, this neurotransmitter is released, which causes a person to seek out the desirable activity over and over again.

  2. That’s DOPE! - a phrase that describes something that is extremely cool, such as music, clothes, people, etc.


12 rounds of badass boxing 

Combines strength, endurance, cardio, core, balance, and flexibility 

Ultra-motivating group setting Full body conditioning 

Hot, sweaty, heart-pumping, fun.